MSQ: Introductions - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (2024)


The story of A REALM REBORN begins with a vision from the Mothercrystal. Basked in Her light, the adventurer sees themselves garbed in ornate armor, wielding a weapon that glows as if made of pure light. In the distance, the silhouette of a masked, hyuran mage appears, striking a threatening pose as a glowing, red glyph manifests over his face. The player charges, weapon drawn… and the vision fades. This is the moment in which those just arriving to Eorzea receive the blessing of the Crystal – and the gift of a mysterious power known only as the Echo. As the visions fades, they arrive in their city-state of choice to begin life anew as a member of the Adventurers' Guild. The story varies slightly depending on which city-state was chosen.

If the adventurer is a Warrior of Light returned from the Battle of Carteneau, they simply appear at the mark of Althyk outside of Amdapor Keep in The Black Shroud. Returning to town and realizing that nobody remembers who they are, however, they resolve to start from scratch at the Adventurer’s Guild until a better plan arises.


Miounne first sends the adventurer to assist Galfrid in managing the training of new recruits to the Twin Adder. Galfrid soon confides in the adventurer that Ixali activity in the Black Shroud is ever increasing, coinciding with reports of a shadowy figure lurking about. Hoping an individual might have a better chance of remaining undetected than the units patrolling the wood, he bids they investigate Lifemend Stump, where the Ixal were recently sighted. The adventurer happens upon Yda and Papalymo, investigating the stump as a result of an aetheric disturbance in the area, but no sooner do they introduce themselves than they are surrounded by forest creatures angered by the aetherial imbalance. With the last of them defeated, the adventurer notices a luminous water crystal left in their wake. Reaching out for it, they fall into a reverie and see another vision of the Mothercrystal – this time, she speaks, warning that the Light that shone throughout Eorzea has grown dim, and that Darkness rises in its stead, threatening life itself. For the sake of all, She beseeches the adventurer to gather the Crystals of Light and use them to banish the coming Darkness, but the vision fades before meaning can be made of this mission. Yda and Papalymo conclude that an Ixali chieftain is to blame for their current situation and bid the adventurer farewell.

A short time later, the adventurer returns to The Bannock to find Galfrid alarmed. He reveals that the conjurers were to hold rites to return Spirithold, an abanondoed gaol, to the wood, but that they came under attack by a large, shadowy figure. Having just sent a unit to intercept the Ixal elsewhere, Galfrid concludes that this attack is no coincidence and may be an attempt to drive a wedge between Gridania and the Elementals. The adventurer arrives in time to help the conjurer and his guards flee as a masked mage summons a golem to attack them. The soulkin is defeated and the masked mage vanishes just as Yda and Papalymo arrive, having followed another aetheric disturbance. Before the adventurer can speak, they begin to experience unexplained visions of the duo’s activities in the Black Shroud and pass out. Waking shortly after, Yda and Papalymo assure the adventurer that another Hearer will be dispatched to perform the rite, and that all is well.

Returning to Gridania, Miounne sends the adventurer to Bentbranch Meadows, where there are many who would appreciate their talents. The continued search for the shadowy figure at large in the wood yields few results as the adventurer stumbles upon the one dilemma after another. Between qiqirn raids, the undead rising from the Tam-Tara Deepcroft, and an attempt made by thieves on the egg of a prized chocobo from Moogle’s Gift Mounts, it’s as if something desires the forest to be in constant discord.

Various reports by citizens of the Shroud lead Miounne to believe that the Ixal have designs on the Guardian Tree, the oldest tree in the wood and a sacred site for Gridanians. Fearful that the rage of the elementals would never be quelled if the tree came to harm, Miounne bids the adventurer rally the Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver to its defense, immediately. Even as they do so, however, the city’s defenders receive word that the area has come under siege by the beastmen. Arriving at the Guardian Tree, the Ixal are already attempting to extract a great crystal they believe to be within it. With the adventurer’s assistance, the lancers and archers of Gridania force the Ixal to retreat and give chase deep into the Wood. With the adventurer alone, the masked mage summons a gargoyle and attacks, intent on preventing further disruptions to his malign orchestrations. Amazingly, the adventurer holds their own against the voidsent and is soon aided by Yda and Papalymo, arriving in pursuit of yet another aetheric disturbance. With his final breath, the masked mage speaks of the “knowledge of the Paragons,” causing the pair to finally realize the foes her allies face–the Bringers of Chaos; the Ascians.


Momodi first sends the adventurer to the Ul’dah Dispatch Yard to take odd jobs from the stationmaster, Papashan, who is currently hosting a Sultansworn patrol. A former Paladin, himself, Papashan becomes anxious at their lack of progress and discloses the reason for their presence – Lady Lilira of the royal family has slipped her entourage and vanished. He sends the adventurer to search the area around the Sultantree on a hunch, hoping she’ll not first be discovered by those with malign motives. The stationmaster’s intuition pans out; “Lady Lilira” is found beneath the Sultantree, praying to her ancestors for forgiveness for a recent failure. Detecting a disturbance in the aether, Thancred reveals himself, admitting that he’d been quietly tailing the royal for fear of her safety. As he attempts to convince the lalafell to return with him, vodoriga descend on the trio and Thancred enlists the adventurer’s aid in fending them off. With the last of them defeated, the adventurer notices a luminous water crystal left in their wake. Reaching out for it, they fall into a reverie and see another vision of the Mothercrystal – this time, she speaks, warning that the Light that shone throughout Eorzea has grown dim, and that Darkness rises in its stead, threatening life itself. For the sake of all, She beseeches the adventurer to gather the Crystals of Light and use them to banish the coming Darkness, but the vision fades before meaning can be made of this mission. Lilira is returned to the Dispatch Yard, where Papashan struggles to not reveal her identity to passersby and assures her that a certain missing object will be located in time and to not put herself in harm’s way.

The adventurer’s assistance is then requested by the Stone Torches at Black Brush Station, where rumors circulate that a small-time merchant, Wystan, has discovered an untapped vein of ore beneath the ruins of Sil'dih. Hoping to mine the vein himself and use the profits to secure a better life for the refugees by lobbying the city’s lawmakers, the naïve merchant incurs the wrath of Syndicate member Lolorito, whose trade empire thrives on exploiting the lower classes. The Brass Blades hired by Wystan turn on him, loyal to the Syndicate masters who pay them, and the adventurer comes to his aid. As the conflict rages, a masked mage in dark robes summons a golem, which attacks indiscriminately until defeated. The masked mage disappears just as Thancred arrives, having followed the aetheric disturbance, but too late to help. Before the adventurer can speak, they begin to experience unexplained visions of Thancred’s activities in Ul’dah and pass out.

Back on their feet, the adventurer heads to Horizon to assist the Fufulupe of the Brass Blades of the Rose. The division’s previous captain has been demoted and assigned to Lost Hope, a refugee camp of little importance that has been under siege by a group of bandits whose leader claims to be an heir of a Syndicate member who died in the Calamity. Dismantling the outfit reveals that the Brass Blades’ new captain has been in league with the outlaws from the start, taking a cut of their profits in smuggling Nashachite from the now-closed Copperbell Mines. The adventurer and Fufulupe succeed in rooting out the corruption in the Brass Blades, though, at the time of his arrest, the Captain was in possession of a letter destined for Owyne of the Sultansworn, leading Fufulupe to suspect further corruption. Returning to the Quicksand, Momodi vouches for Owyne’s loyalty and confesses the situation that’s had the Sultansworn on such high alert since the adventurer’s arrival – the crown of the Sultana, symbol of her birthright and the legacy of the line of Ul – was stolen from a recent ceremony where Owyne was charged with its protection. Knowing he’d be eager to reclaim his honor, Momodi recommends bringing the letter to Owyne directly.

The letter demands that Owyne retrieve an item from the royal vaults and exchange it for the crown, alone. Driven by guilt, Owyne admits that he plans to meet the demands, but asks that the adventurer accompany him so he won’t have to fight alone if the bandits turn on him. Indeed, as soon as they are in possession of the item, an undead-rising powder said to have been the doom of Sil'dih, the outlaws attack. Unbeknownst to Owyne, however, Flame General Raubahn had seen his entry into the vaults and tasked Papashan to head a unit of Sultansworn to protect him. Dressed in his former armor, Papashan leads the unit into battle, routing the bandits while the adventurer handles voidsent Vodoriga called by their leader. Defeated, the bandits attempt to flee, but the Sultansworn give fevered chase to reclaim the crown. With the adventurer alone, the masked mage summons a gargoyle and attacks, intent on preventing further disruptions to his malign orchestrations. Amazingly, the adventurer holds their own against the voidsent and is soon aided by Thancred, arriving in pursuit of yet another aetheric disturbance. With his final breath, the masked mage speaks of the “knowledge of the Paragons,” causing Thancred to finally realize the foes his allies face–the Bringers of Chaos; the Ascians.


Baderon first sends the adventurer to Summerford Farms, where Staelwyrn's pirate crew has taken the Admiral’s incentive to reform and bring life back to the fields. Some of the crew struggle to adjust to honest, landlocked living, especially a youth named Sevrin, who is often encouraging indolence and petty theft. Productivity takes a further hit when the farmhands notice brigands with blue tattoos watching them from a distance and worry that they’re being targeted by an unknown group responsible for several recent kidnappings. Searching the nearby Seasong Grotto, a possible campsite for the ruffians, the adventurer finds only Y’shtola, also on the kidnappers’ trail. The notion that they’re both mistaken is quickly set aside as they come under attack by a frenzied goobbue. With the last of them defeated, the adventurer notices a luminous water crystal left in their wake. Reaching out for it, they fall into a reverie and see another vision of the Mothercrystal – this time, she speaks, warning that the Light that shone throughout Eorzea has grown dim, and that Darkness rises in its stead, threatening life itself. For the sake of all, She beseeches the adventurer to gather the Crystals of Light and use them to banish the coming Darkness, but the vision fades before meaning can be made of this mission. Nearby, Y’shtola pulls a shipwright’s dagger from a goobbue’s back, confident that it was set upon them by pirates of some sort.

A short time later, Sevrin lures some of his comrades away with promises of drink, and the adventurer is sent to retrieve them. Arriving at Woad Whisper Canyon, however, the youths are found strewn wounded about the area. Up the path, Sevrin confronts the tattooed pirates, who threaten that he won’t be allowed to betray them a third time. Concealed behind a nearby rock, a masked mage summons a golem, determined to leave no survivors. The adventurer intercepts the soulkin in defense of the farmhands and the golem is defeated just as Y’shtola arrives, having followed the aetheric disturbance and frustrated to see her quarry has escaped her once again. Before the adventurer can speak, they begin to experience unexplained visions of Y’shtola’s activities in Limsa Lominsa and pass out.

Upon returning to Summerford Farms, Sevrin confesses the whole truth. The boy had only just joined a pirate crew when its captain bent his knee to the Sahagin. Rather than join the ranks of the Serpent Reavers, Sevrin fled took refuge with the crew at Summerford. When the Reavers tracked him down, they offered to spare his life in exchange for his deliverance of his comrades at the farm. Not knowing what else to do, he went along with the plan, but found the resolve to stand against them at the last moment, giving his friends time to escape. With everything righted at the farm, the adventurer returns to Baderon, who assures them that Sevrin’s fate will be fair and take the final outcomes into consideration.

As the adventurer takes what work comes their way, a pattern starts to emerge that Lominsa’s woes are not discrete or coincidental. The frequent malfunction of the lighthouse at Brewer’s Beacon and the sinking of a merchantman in calm seas culminate in in attack on Moraby Drydocks by pirates in the employ of the Serpent Reavers. Though it is first feared that the target is the Victory, the first warship built since the Calamity and a symbol of Lominsa’s rebirth, the assault proves to be a distraction. Baderon decodes a Sahagin missive confiscated from the pirates and concludes that it is all a ruse to provide the Serpent Reavers an opportunity to abduct more Lominsan civilians. With the Yellowjackets stretched too thin to reinforce a single settlement on Baderon’s hunch, the adventurer heads to Swiftperch. Fortunately, Baderon guesses correctly and, with the adventurer’s aid, the Serpent Reavers are routed by the small force garrisoned there. Victorious, the Yellowjackets give chase hoping to apprehend the stragglers. With the adventurer alone, the masked mage summons a gargoyle and attacks, intent on preventing further disruptions to his malign orchestrations. Amazingly, the adventurer holds their own against the voidsent and is soon aided by Y’shtola, arriving in pursuit of yet another aetheric disturbance. With his final breath, the masked mage speaks of the “knowledge of the Paragons,” causing Y’shtola to finally realize the foes her allies face–the Bringers of Chaos; the Ascians.

MSQ: Introductions - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.