French arable farms for sale (2024)

What role do arable farms play in French and European agriculture?

France stands out as Europe's leading producer of soft wheat, maize, rapeseed and protein crops, and ranks second for durum wheat and sunflower.

These arable crops cover around 22% of the French territory, covering an area of 13 million hectares.

Nearly 460,000 people are estimated to work in the production, collection and processing of cereals in France.

Two-thirds of the 470,000 farms listed devote all or part of their land to field crop production.

It is notable that large farms of over 200 hectares account for only 6% of the sector.

What's more, 110,000 farms specialise exclusively in cereal crops, with an average surface area of 124 hectares and an average workforce of less than 2 people.

What are the specific characteristics of arable farms for sale?

Arable farms refer to those dedicated to the production of various crops such as wheat, maize, barley, oilseed rape, sunflowers, peas, etc.

You can buy conventional, High Environmental Value or Organic cereal, oilseed and protein crop farms.

The quality of the land and the climate have a significant influence on the quality and profitability of these farms.

They include the growing of cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, beet and other industrial crops, with the main concentration in the Centre, Picardy and รŽle-de-France regions.

How do you choose a market garden farm?

First of all, you need to define and develop your arable farming project, and decide where you want to set up your farm.

The size of the farm you are looking for is an essential criterion in terms of the number of hectares of land. You need to find a balance between the volume of work required and your availability (including employees if necessary).

Note that you are not obliged to buy the entire farmed area. You can buy farmland and also rent land under a rural lease.

You should then carry out a 1st financial approach to check the feasibility of your project in terms of investment and financing. And the ability of your future farm to generate sufficient income to cover your expenses, annual repayments and remuneration.

A field crop farm generally comprises land for sale or rent, buildings for storing and maintaining equipment and for storing crops, and cultivation equipment. Depending on the region, irrigation facilities may be included. A dwelling house is sometimes included in the takeover project.

Feel free to download our free white paper outlining all the stages involved in setting up a farm.

What equipment is needed on a field crop farm?

Arable farming requires a variety of equipment to carry out the different stages of cultivation, from soil preparation to harvesting. Choosing the right equipment is crucial to optimising production, reducing costs and ensuring the profitability of the farm.

Among the most important pieces of equipment, the farm tractor plays a central role, combined with specialist tools such as the plough for ploughing, the seed drill for precise seed planting, the cultivator for weeding and the harrow for levelling the soil.

Fertiliser spreaders and sprayers are needed for fertilisation and crop protection.

Harvesting, the final stage in the agricultural cycle, also requires specific machinery, such as combine harvesters for cereals and forage harvesters for fodder crops.

In addition to this equipment, field crop farms need storage facilities for crops and inputs, handling equipment for transporting produce, and tools for maintaining facilities and equipment.

The variety of equipment depends on the size of the farm, the crops grown and the farming methods employed.

Why buy an arable farm on, you will findarable landfor sale throughout France.

If you want to buy a cereal farm, we present a very wide range of crop farms for sale in all regions and departments.

In addition to the market garden farms for sale in this category, you will also find on our portal farms specialising in the sector that interests you:mixed farming, beefmeat, pork, sheep, goats, poultry, laying hens, rabbits, milk, specialist crops, maraรฎchage,arboriculture, horticulture, dog boarding,andother productionsand alsoshares in agricultural companies.
The main advertisem*nts for arable farms for sale come from farmers or estate agents, who usually specialise in farm transactions.

Why sell an arable farm on is the ideal site for advertising the sale of your arable farm, whatever its production or geographical location in France.

If you advertise your arable farm for 6 months, you will benefit from the high visibility of our rural portal and will be contacted by many prospective buyers.

You can modify your sale advert at any time and publish it in 1 or 2 categories or sub-categories on our portal. You will have access to your ad's visibility statistics and will receive contact forms directly to your email inbox.

Whether you are a farmer wishing to sell your arable farm, or a property professional, our portal will meet your needs for the successful sale of your market garden property. The experts in charge of this property will be able to guide you through the process.

French arable farms for sale (2024)


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